Blurry vision: All you need to know

Medically reviewed by Khuram Sarwar, Dispensing Optician at Feel Good Contacts.

With blurry vision, you may have difficulty seeing objects around you. You can experience blurred vision in both eyes or in just one eye. In this article, we will talk about why you maybe experiencing blurred vision, the possible treatment options and any preventive methods to consider.

What is blurry vision?

Blurry vision is when the environment around you appears hazy or unclear. It can impact daily life activities and obstruct the ability to see fine details. It mostly affects both eyes, but some people experience it in only one eye, depending on its cause and severity.

It's also essential to know that blurred and cloudy vision are completely different. The latter is a symptom of an eye condition known as cataracts.

What are the causes of blurry vision?

Blurry vision can be caused by various factors, such as:

1. Refractive errors

Blurry vision can be caused by refractive errors such as:

Blurry vision can also be a sign of a rather serious eye disease. We recommend you consult an eye care specialist if the symptoms persist.

2. Lack of contact lens hygiene

Prolonged usage of contact lenses or improper cleaning can accumulate dirt and debris in the tear film.

We recommend you refer to our optician-approved lens cleaning guide for maintaining proper lens hygiene.

3. Underlying health issues

High blood pressure, diabetes or eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, may also cause blurred vision.

Other causes of blurred vision include ocular migraines, headaches, eye floaters and certain medications.

Why has my vision suddenly gone blurry?

If you are experiencing blurred vision suddenly, it can be a warning sign of a serious health condition, such as:

  • An eye stroke affecting the retina
  • Preeclampsia: occurs in women during late pregnancy. Flashing lights or spots in vision can be an early sign
  • The build-up of pressure in the skull due to a brain tumour
  • Multiple sclerosis: this disease can cause optic nerve inflammation
  • Uncontrolled diabetes: this can lead to diabetic retinopathy which causes blurry vision and affects your eye health
  • Glaucoma (blurry vision is one of the earliest signs)
  • Migraines: blurry vision often accompanies migraine and is also known as aura
  • Hyperthermia: high body temperature, brain strain, leading to blurred vision

Is sudden blurry vision an emergency?

While blurry vision may stem from eye strain or fatigue, sudden onset demands urgent attention. Conditions associated with sudden vision changes can be severe and potentially life-threatening.

We recommend you consult an optometrist immediately if symptoms worsen.

How do you get rid of blurry vision?

Treatment of blurry vision completely depends on the root cause and its severity. An optometrist can diagnose the root of the problem with an eye examination and recommend the appropriate treatment. Your eye exam will usually consist of a Snellen eye chart test, slit lamp and measurement of spatial contrast sensitivity.

If you're short or long-sighted, treatment most commonly consists of corrective lenses recommended by your optician. Your optometrist may recommend LASIK eye surgery based on your symptoms. With this option, you may encounter temporary blurred vision after surgery, which will hopefully clear up after a few days.

Managing high blood sugar levels is important to mitigate this condition. Your optometrist might prescribe specialised eye drops and medications based on the underlying cause of blurred vision.

Why not try our immersive Vision Simulator tool that tests your ability to which simulates the experience of astigmatism, myopia, presbyopia and hyperopia eye conditions.

How do you prevent blurry vision?

You cannot entirely prevent blurry vision, but specific measures can be adopted to mitigate this condition. Here are some lifestyle habits that you might consider to maintain your eye health:

  • Wearing sunglasses with UV protection when outdoors
  • Avoid smoking
  • Visit your optician for eye tests once in every two years
  • Maintain proper contact lens hygiene (if you wear lenses)
  • Follow a good fitness regime and balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin A

Disclaimer: The advice in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace medical care or an in-person check-up. Please check with an eyecare professional before purchasing any products or remedies. For information on our article review process, please refer to our Editorial Policy.

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